Supplements Medicines

:Supplements Medicines

Vitamin Supplements:

Supplements that contain vitamins or vitamins (such as multi-vitamins) are sometimes alone, combined with other vitamins or minerals (such as the types of multi-vitamin minerals), and sometimes also with other ingredients.

Enzymes are essential chemicals that play the role of accelerators (catalyst) in chemical reactions that take place in the body. Along with the enzymes, they are the substances that activate them; these are known as coenzyme. Vitamins also work with enzymes like coenzymes, and thus make it possible for all activities that occur within the body to be done.

Protein Supplements:

Protein is an important nutrient that everyone needs daily. Protein plays a key role in repairing the body’s cells, repairing and regenerating muscles and bones, and controlling most important metabolic processes in the body. Protein is a very important source of energy for the body.

Calcium supplements:

The presence of calcium is essential for many body functions, such as heart rate regulation, transmission of neurological messages, stimulation of the secretion of hormones, blood coagulation, and most importantly the production of bones in the body and maintaining their health. Calcium is present in many foods, and due to the fact that the body is unable to make it, you should get enough food in the meal. Even after completing and stopping the longitudinal growth of the bones of the body (that is, after the growth period), it should be given as much as it can be excreted in various ways, for example through sweat, hair loss, skin renewal and nail, urine and feces.

How much do you need calcium?

How much calcium supplement you need to compensate for depends on how much it receives from different foods. Calcium in nature is in the form of a combination of other materials. There are various types of calcium in their supplements, such as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate and calcium phosphate. Each of these compounds has different amounts of calcium.

What type of calcium supplement should you take?

The best complement is to meet the individual’s needs, depending on the person’s tolerance, price, and availability. In choosing and buying calcium supplements, consider the following:

1. Be sure to have valid pharmacies under standard supervision. Never buy and use supplements that do not have valid drugs, as some of these non-standard supplements contain high levels of toxic calcium.

2. Most calcium supplements are easily absorbed in the body. If the amount of absorption and solubility in the brochure is unclear, add calcium supplements (in the form of a tablet or capsule) for a period of 30 minutes in a small amount of warm water and stir it occasionally to determine its solubility. If during this time the tablet or capsule is not resolved, it will not be resolved in the stomach. Liquid and chewable calcium supplements are better dissolved in the stomach because they break down before they enter the stomach. Calcium is absorbed better by food or as a supplement, which can be taken several times daily and at a dose of 500 mg or less. However, getting one place is better than never to be consumed.

3. Using calcium supplements in some people causes side effects such as constipation and gastric gas. If this problem is not resolved with fluid and dietary fiber, change your supplement type. For example, instead of calcium citrate, take calcium carbonate. You should also increase the amount of supplementary supplementation. For the first week, just take 500 milligrams, then slowly increase the amount of supplementation.

4. If you take medicine, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the interactions with calcium supplements. For example, calcium supplements reduce the antibiotic absorption of tetracycline. It also interferes with iron absorption. Therefore, supplementation of calcium and iron supplements should not be consumed simultaneously. Exceptionally, you can take iron supplementation with calcium citrate or vitamin C because they are acidic. Other medications taken with an empty stomach should not be taken with calcium supplements.

Calcium supplements have other salts and vitamins.

Different studies have shown that low calcium intake reduces bone mass and increases bone fractures. But getting low calcium is one of the factors that reduces bone mass. Other factors affecting the bone strength of the body include estrogen loss, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol or other diseases and medical treatments. If these factors exist, even with high calcium intake, the bone fracture can not be prevented. DRI (recommended dietary intake) Calcium for adults is between 1,000 and 1,200 mg per day, depending on the age, gender and condition of the individual. For example, in pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents need more calcium.

People who do not get enough calcium in their diet should take calcium supplements to meet their needs. In taking calcium supplements, it should be noted that the amount of calcium in the supplement is considered not the total amount of supplement. For example, a 500 mg calcium carbonate tablet contains only 200 mg of pure calcium. Therefore, the person taking this pill will receive only 200 mg of calcium, not 500 mg. Calcium is absorbed in the small intestine, but all calcium consumed is not absorbed. The amount of calcium intake depends on several factors, including the intestinal acidic environment, the amount of vitamin D, the amount of body’s estrogen, and the type of calcium supplement.

All kinds of calcium supplements:

One of the important factors in calcium intake is the amount of solubility in calcium supplementation in the body. Try to always use standard and reliable supplements to find out how much calcium is in the body and how much it dissolves in the body.

Calcium Citrate:

Calcium supplementation is better absorbed in the acidic environment, so calcium citrate is absorbed better than other supplements, because it is acid. This supplement does not require a lot of gastric acid to absorb and can be taken at any time of the day and even with an empty stomach. But this supplement usually has a low calcium content, so you should take more pills depending on the individual’s need for calcium.

Calcium carbonate:

Most calcium supplements of this type are. This supplement requires a lot of gastric acid to absorb better. So you should eat after meals.

Calcium gluconate and calcium lactate:

These supplements have little calcium. Therefore, in order to meet calcium needs, it should consume more pills.

Calcium (Coral Calcium):

This supplement of calcium other than bone health is also used in other diseases. This supplement treats more than 200 types of diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and the like. Of course, this finding is not 100% verified. This supplement contains only calcium carbonate and, due to alkalinity, neutralizes and destroys the acidic poisoning of the body.

Alert about taking calcium supplements:

Do not take more than 2500 mg of calcium (not your own pill) daily.

Iron supplements:

Iron deficiency causes anemia, pallor and blood cells with low levels of hemoglobin. This deficiency in pregnant women increases the risk of premature births and causes births of low birth weight babies.

You may not get enough iron: women’s iron requirements are 18 mg per day, and this is 8 mg in men. Of course, vegetarians, people who do not eat red meat and athletes must be careful enough to get iron. In addition, when the body undergoes sudden changes such as sudden growth in children and adults or during lactation, it needs to increase iron intake and increase the production of red blood cells.

Iron strengthens the immune system: One of the signs of iron deficiency is becoming sick most of the time. It shows iron deficiency with fatigue, shortness of breath during exercise, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, headache, irritability and pale appearance.

All the iron is not absorbed to the same extent: There are two types of iron; Iron is both non-iron. Iron is also easily absorbed by our body, through the consumption of red meat, poultry, fish and liver. Non-iron is found in vegetable sources such as lentils, beans and peas, cereals and spaghetti enriched, green vegetables leaves, dried fruits, nuts, seeds and eggs. Non-iron is not absorbed by the body as much as iron, and therefore vegetarians should take 32 mg of iron per day, that is, 2 times more meat-eaters.

Adding iron to the diet is easy: consuming iron-rich foods is important in every meal. Oranges, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Talebi, Kiwi, Peppers and Natural Juice. You can take non-alcoholic iron and increase its intake by taking vitamin C. Also, cooking in stainless steel dishes increases the absorption of iron in the body. Take iron at an hour before or after taking coffee or tea, otherwise iron absorption will be reduced by 35 to 60 percent.

Iron deficiency anemia is not uncommon: iron deficiency anemia, if it’s mild, usually has no side effects, but if not treated, it can lead to serious health problems. Among these are the following:

Heart troubles: Iron deficiency anemia may lead to rapid and irregular heartbeats. The same process leads to heart failure and enlargement.

Problems in Pregnancy: Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women results in premature births of infants or low birth weight infants.

Growth problems: In infants and children with severe iron deficiency, there are problems with growth retardation. The incidence of infection is also rising.

Never take more than the recommended amount of iron-rich multivitamins. Do not take more than one type of multivitamin at a time unless your doctor prescribes it. The use of several types of multivitamins can overdose them and cause severe side effects. If you find that you have taken too much multivitamin, be sure to refer to the emergency department. Excessive consumption of vitamins A, D, E, or K has serious side effects. Misuse of iron supplements can also be dangerous to the body.

Copper Supplements:

The benefits of copper for the body and the need for consumption Copper Supplement:

Copper supplement containing copper (Cu) is one of the essential minerals of the body that plays a vital role in health. Copper is essential for maintaining the function of the nervous system, bone and muscle growth, and secretion of hormones. Copper is found in all cells of the human body. This micronutrient is an essential ingredient for the production of melanin in the human skin. Melanin is responsible for creating color in the eyes, hair and skin. It has a strong antioxidant, thus eliminating free radicals and preventing cell damage. It seems that copper also has anti-cancer effects. Come along with this article from Delgrim Magazine to take advantage of the benefits of copper supplementation. Copper supplement and its benefits to the body.

Uses of copper supplement

You should speak with your doctor in cases of copper. Copper may be useful in the following cases:

1. Joint swelling

2. Anemia

3. Increased sensitivity to chemicals

4. High cholesterol

5. Aneurysm (Arterial topical protrusion)

6. Fatigue

7. Allergy

8. Ulcers

Benefits of copper supplementation:

1. Copper helps to oxidize glucose and thus liberates energy in the body.

2. It helps to absorb iron by the body.

3. Helps provide oxygen to the body’s tissues (to increase body energy levels), including the brain.

4. The thyroid gland helps to balance hormones secretion.

5. It acts as an oxygen carrier in the blood.

6. Helps in brain function.

7. For the function of amino acid tyrosine (in order to make a color agent) it is necessary.

8. It is essential to make red blood cells.

9. A part of the enzyme is essential for the synthesis of the adrenaline hormone.

10. It is closely related to the activity of intestinal enzymes.

11. The level of copper in the body is associated with estrogen levels.

12. Copper increases adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine.

13. Low copper levels cause cell choking and lack of oxygen in them Copper supplement and its benefits to the body.

Zinc supplement:

Zinc is the second most iron-rich substance in the body after its iron content.

Zinc is found in cells throughout the body. Zinc is essential for proper functioning of the immune system. Zinc plays a role in cell division, cell growth, wound healing, and carbohydrate decomposition in the body.

Zinc is also required for a sense of smell and taste. During pregnancy, infancy and childhood, the body needs growth and development. A recent review by experts on the use of zinc supplements showed:

– When used for at least 5 months, it may reduce the risk of colds.

– Consumption of zinc supplements during the 24-week period before the onset of cold symptoms may reduce the duration of the cold and the severity of the symptoms.

Signs of Zinc deficiency:

Signs of zinc deficiency include: Repeated infections, hypogonadism (menstrual dysfunction) in men, hair loss, abnormalities, problems in the sense of smell and taste, skin ulcers, slow growth, vision problems in the dark, the duration of wound healing.

Side effects of zinc supplements:

If excessive amounts are consumed, supplements for diarrhea, sciatica, and vomiting usually occur within 3 to 10 hours after ingestion.

These symptoms will be resolved shortly after stopping supplementation. People who use zinc sprays and nasal gels may be exposed to side effects such as losing sense of smell.

Recommended recommended amount on:

The recommended daily allowable value (RDA) for zinc varies according to age and sex.

Omega-3 supplement:

Omega-3s are essential for our health and well-being. But recent research has shown that many people, especially women, are in short supply, causing some irritating symptoms, such as nausea and dry skin, in addition to an increased risk of heart disease. but do not worry. In many cases, this deficiency can be eliminated with simple diet and lifestyle changes. In the following, we will find signs that, if they do, they will notice the lack of omega-3s:

Tired fatigue:

Regular feelings of tiredness can have many reasons. But there is no doubt that omega-3 deficiency is one of those factors. According to a study by the Maryland Medical School, fatigue is one of the common symptoms of omega-3 deficiency. Therefore, strengthening your diet with fatty oils can help increase your energy level.

The risk of inflammatory diseases:

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the inflammatory diseases that is characterized by a shortage of omega-3 fatty acids. Morning stiffness of the joints and their inflammation with pain is a symptom of the patients that is effectively reduced by the use of essential fatty acids. Patients with inflammatory diseases should eat their dietary omega-3 fatty acids daily through natural resources.

skin dryness:

One of the secrets of having a healthy and hydrating skin is the omega-3 fatty acids found naturally in the cell wall structure; therefore, one of the most common clinical symptoms of defective fatty acids is the drying of the skin. The shortage of omega-3s will be more severe. Omega 3 also helps the skin absorb healthy nutrients and remove excess harmful substances, resulting in a healthy, brilliant skin.

Preterm delivery:

Although the causes of increased preterm labor are still unclear, factors such as maternal age, smoking, stress, and low levels of omega-3s are still high. These types of fats are useful in the true growth of the fetus during pregnancy and lead to proper cell function. Vitamin D and calcium lipids are essential for a healthy pregnancy.


The same omega-3 found in your skin cells also exists in hair follicles. The presence of omega-3 in the hair follicle has made it a very important nutrient for hair brightening. Omega-3 fats feed the hair, protect the thickness of the hair, and reduce the inflammation of the skin of the palms of the head (inflammation of the skin on the skin of the head causing hair loss).

Fragile Nails:

Soft, flaky, and fragile nails are all external symptoms that say something in your body is not working properly. This problem can be a deficiency of omega-3. Many studies have shown that omega-3s in animal sources such as fish oil are much easier to absorb than plant sources. So entering fatty foods into a diet can be one of the best practices.


A study at Oxford University found that people with high levels of omega-3s experience more qualitative sleep. However, I always advise people to supplement their omega-3s in the morning, not at night. Because eating Omega-3 near the clock can keep you awake.

Focus weakness:

If you do not eat a lot of fatty fish or you do not receive omega-3 supplementation, the likelihood of a weakening of the heart goes up. Many people experience significant improvements in their level of focus after being sure they are getting their daily Omega-3 daily intake.

Inability to learn:

Researchers have found that increased fish consumption can reduce depression rates. In countries where omega-3 fatty acids are low, depression rates are 60% higher than that of omega-3s. Omega-3 is a major component of the serotonin hormone that plays a role in improving mood

Of the three omega-3 fatty acids, namely, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), ecosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and dioxaacetanoic acid (DHA), fatty acid DHA is an essential component of the brain. 60% of the human brain is composed of this fatty acid. If the amount of this fatty acid is inadequate, the amount of myelin sheath will be reduced to cover the cells of the nerves and cells.

Studies show that children with learning disabilities such as hyperactivity disorder are more likely to be confident in having enough omega-3 fatty acids in their diet.


Researchers have found that increased fish consumption can reduce depression rates. In countries where omega-3 fatty acids are low, depression rates are 60% higher than that of omega-3s. Omega-3 is a major component of the serotonin hormone that plays a role in improving mood.


Many studies that show the link between osteoarthritis and omega-3 fatty acids are focused on the effects of these acids on joint arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to help reduce inflammation in the body. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints between the bones and omega-3 supplements can reduce the stiffness and stiffness of the joints and the need for medication to relieve symptoms. Other studies have shown that omega-3s can reduce the activity of enzymes that damage the cartilage of the joints.


A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that the use of DHA supplements can reduce eczema’s complications by up to 23%. Eczema is caused by allergic and inflammatory reactions, and the role of omega-3 in reducing inflammation has been shown to improve the complications of the disease.


Omega-3 fatty acids are found in many living cells that have active metabolism. It seems that these fatty acids accelerate metabolism in these cells, and their shortage leads to a reduction in metabolism that is a factor in weight gain.

Heart disease:

A study by the Harvard School of Public Health, published in the PLOS Journal, suggests that 40 percent of deaths from heart disease are associated with high LDL cholesterol. In addition to high levels of trans fatty acids and low levels of unsaturated acids, omega-3 deficiency is also a factor in life-span.

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